This is gonna be the part that (hopefully) will be the most fun and the core of the forum.  It's basically like a dice fighting adventure, keeping for the most part to the basic combat system to avoid confusion.  These are roleplaying scenarios generally in the form of attacks where you are either trying to defend yourself or complete a mission by storming a territory for rewards.  They vary as to whether or not you risk an IC death, most of them will probably be brawls.
This system will change ALOT if it is used, because I'll only be able to tell if it is too easy or too hard by watching how it plays out in action.  Some will be routine encounters and others will require a lot of people with a lot of enhancers and abilities.  I think that if our characters are trying to fight a real dragon it should be a lot harder then trying to take down an average guy.  There will be minions and there will be bosses.  Some of the NPCs will be controlled by GM's (gamemasters) while others will be played by muns who have an interest in doing so.  This is a way for characters to grind money and strength other then sparring all day, and pretty much my attempt to put WoW type stuff into AOL RP.  Like other forum stuff, we'll see if people dig it enough to make it an ongoing thing.
The number and strengths of the NPC's will be determined by dice rolls by the GM's at the beginning of the encounter.  A list will be put up listing the NPC's.  Some will only be in certain places where you have to seek them out, others may come and randomly start shit with your character.